If you’ve had any success marketing to senior citizens on TikTok, you’re the first — congratulations. For the rest of us, building marketing strategies that are loud enough to reach older folks takes some serious effort. But the difficulty of marketing to seniors...
For years, print advertising was the belle of the marketing ball. Over the last decade, digital marketing has shown up to the dance, spiked the punch, and exposed all of the flaws in print advertising — all of which has played out like a B-rated ‘90s coming-of-age...
https://www.yourbusinessmarketer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Copy-of-Ep-6_low.mp4 Episode 6- Part 1: Episode 6- Part 2: On this episode, real estate guru and founder of Outstanding Ohio, Erin Johnson joins the crew for an in-studio chat about marketing in...
Does your Google review page look like a page out of a Bram Stoker novel? Reputation management tips used to mean dealing with customers face to face and being able to resolve an issue quickly and discreetly. In today’s cancel culture your online reputation can either...
https://www.yourbusinessmarketer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Copy-of-Copy-of-2021-Digital-Marketing-Trends-ESPNs-Emmett-Golden-on-Social-Medias-impact-on-Pro-Sports_low.mp4 Greg and Rose welcome the president of the Great Lakes Auto Network and Time Magazine Dealer...