Millennials might have taken the first swing at the print advertising industry, but the growing trend of senior citizens using online resources for news and entertainment might lead print-only marketing to the gallows. Despite the rise of the internet and social...
If you’ve had any success marketing to senior citizens on TikTok, you’re the first — congratulations. For the rest of us, building marketing strategies that are loud enough to reach older folks takes some serious effort. But the difficulty of marketing to seniors...
For years, print advertising was the belle of the marketing ball. Over the last decade, digital marketing has shown up to the dance, spiked the punch, and exposed all of the flaws in print advertising — all of which has played out like a B-rated ‘90s coming-of-age...
Whichever field you’re in, competition is a reality of the market. Most of the time, “one approach” won’t cut it. You have to spread things out, employing a multifaceted strategy to promote your brand. Yes, it would be easier to post one ad on one platform and hope...