Devoting to find employees job recruitment marketing resources to your recruiting effort should be no different than any other marketing campaign. Taking a set it and forget it approach might have worked 20 years ago. But competition is stiff for top quality candidates, especially if you are hiring in a smaller market.
Changing up your approach to actively market to prospective employees will not only get you in front of more candidates that meet your needs. But will also help generate brand awareness in circles that would otherwise have been difficult to penetrate.
There are a number of avenues that can be explored whether you are hiring your first employee, or scaling your startup. For inexperienced marketers the prospect of adding recruiting into their daily marketing strategy can be a bit overwhelming. That is why many choose to outsource their recruitment marketing efforts to the Your Business Marketer team.
How to Find Good Employees
Recruiting is sales, point blank. You are actively trying to sell your company to someone in hopes that they will jump on your bandwagon. Many companies that struggle to find quality candidates fail on multiple fronts. Most want high quality candidates with minimal investment.
COVID-19 shook up the job pool, but historically, top flight candidates have to be pulled from their existing job. Sure they might passively peek over the fence every now and then, but if you are not actively telling them what they are missing out on, they will never find your company.
Where to Find Employees?
Do a quick search for “jobs near me” and you will find millions of search results. The prospect is just as overwhelming for employees as it is for the employers trying to break through the noise and stand out. So, how can you stand out from your competitors?
Start by investing in organic resources. Digital spaces like your website and social media profiles are a great way to generate exposure and provide candidates with an inside look into your company. Any candidate worth their salt will naturally gravitate towards these mediums as they virtually interview potential employers.
Usually, before any other connection is made, these interviews go on in the background. Having a well organized and optimized website is equivalent to a firm handshake or a warm embrace.
Places like Indeed can generate volume, but how much time can you devote to sourcing through 1000 applicants? Does it make more sense to tap into local networks, like your existing workforce, or through social media pages in your area?
Recruiting Strategies
There are basically two aspects to break down recruitment marketing. First is the checklist that every potential employee will need to run through to make sure that your job meets their needs. This will include salary, compensation, benefits, job requirements, etc. essentially the nuts and bolts of the position.
Every recruiting ad does a good job of outlining this framework, but many stop there. The other critical component that is often overlooked centers around storytelling. There is a growing contingent that is looking for a connection to their workplace that goes beyond punching a clock and getting a paycheck.
Millennials in particular actively seek employers that stand for a cause, or have a clear understanding of their mission. Making money is great, but failing to understand that this growing segment of the workforce wants more can be detrimental to finding great employees.
Online Marketing
Online marketing is constantly evolving. Driven by data, marketers are now able to dial in their messaging and drop their company directly in front of prospective hires. This is done with an ease that was not possible just a few years ago. Just about every major recruitment platform offers analytics to help you maximize your ROI.
Facebook and Google Ads in particular offer a wide variety of demographic data points that can help recruiters avoid the trudge of unqualified candidates. These sources can also help uncover hiring pools that might not have been initially visible.
Companies that are moving to a remote workforce have the added advantage of recruiting without borders. This means that additional resources are required for each market that is penetrated, but the results can bring elite talent to your doorstep.
Free Job Posting Sites
Budget-conscious companies may look in the direction of free job posting sites. These can be great places to find employees but know that you are likely entering a flooded market. To find that one great candidate you may have to work through a sea of applicants. Time is money, and for most companies, a minimal investment into a sound recruitment marketing strategy will pay for itself in time saved alone.
Finding Employees—Hire a Marketer
Whether you are struggling to get started, or are looking to get out of the vicious cycle of turnover, working with an experienced marketing team might be the best option for your company. Doing so will allow you to devote time and resources to other areas of your business, saving you time and money.
Looking for a marketing partner? Look no further than the Your Business Marketer team. Our team of expert marketers have experience in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. They know how to get applicants to your front door. Learn more about the YBM team and schedule a consultation today.